Call for submissions — Anthology

Don’t Tell: What Families Hide Family secrets can have power to hold shame, to breed fear of exposure, of ostracism. They can create unusual bonds and shape the direction of family members’ lives and can span generations. On reflection, some family secrets may appear...

New online Arts and Literary Journal

Held Magazine, a new face in the online arts/literary world has just launched. The theme for their first issue is The Meaning of Making Meaning: Systems in Revolt, Systems in Renewal. Submissions of art and writing are welcome until September 15th, 2020. All the...
Still time to submit to the next edition of the #LCPChapbookSeries

Still time to submit to the next edition of the #LCPChapbookSeries

From the League of Canadian Poets: The LCP Chapbook Series is now accepting submissions for a chapbook which will spotlight the work of Black poets, to be published in 2020. In celebration of contemporary writing in Canada, the chapbook will amplify Black voices that...

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