“Embracing the Between:
A Workshop/Retreat for Writers of Any Genre”
with Betsy in Victoria, BC

September 28th evening & all day September 29th

Registration Deadline August 15th

If your writing has been going well, this creative gathering might help you take it to the next step, whatever that is. And if the writing hasn’t been going well, perhaps this will provide the necessary inspiration to get you back on track.


Although betweenness is often considered to be something to avoid – the devil and the deep blue sea, between a rock and a hard place, between two fires – it’s actually a dynamic site from which to write. A site, in fact, that we often occupy in the course of our lives.

Betweenness can be between doubt and confidence, drafts, languages, time frames, what we’re willing to write and afraid to write, between genres, art forms, conflicting shared memories, between knowing and unknowing, between identities, truth and fiction, life and death. When an aspect of a manuscript or piece of writing is vexing you, writing into or out of the between is also a strategy that can open up new possibilities.

Betsy will establish a conceptual framework, use examples, and provide a series of exercises to enable you to identify and access the strengths of your betweenness to work with it more effectively in your own writing.

As space is limited, this gathering can have a maximum of 10 participants–register early to ensure your space.

Cost: $100 per participant

Registration Deadline: August 15

Contact: agordaneer@gmail.com

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