If you’ve already registered…
If you’ve already registered for the conference, we can’t wait to see you! The 2023 WRITING TRUE: Riding the Waves conference is only ten days away!
If you’re attending the virtual conference, Zoom links will be sent the day before the sessions. Click here for the ONLINE PROGRAM.
If you’re attending the in-person conference in Halifax, the full program schedule and University of King’s College campus maps are now on our website. Click here for the HALIFAX PROGRAM.

If not, there’s still time…
The deadline to register for the in-person conference is May 19th for the Halifax conference and May 25th for the online conference. For more information, and to register, click below.

2023 Annual General Meeting
You won’t want to miss our annual AGM! Please join us on Sunday, May 28 via Zoom at 1:30pm ATL, 12:30pm EST, 10:30am MTN, 9:30am PAC. The attached AGM package contains the agenda, our treasurer’s report, board nominations, and a proxy form.
Our AGM is a chance to have your say as CNFC moves forward. We hope you will join us.
Election of New Directors
We will be electing some new directors to our board to replace those who have finished their terms. If you’d like to become more involved, please consider putting your name forward. Our current directors would be happy to answer your questions before the AGM.
Thank-you to our Sponsors and Contributors

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