Now in its eighth year, Vancouver Manuscript Intensive (VMI) teams you up with an established author who helps you develop your manuscript through one-on-one editorial consultations. Unlike other programs, your VMI mentor reads and assesses your entire manuscript at the outset. You may have an array of individual pieces (poems or prose) that may be the basis for a manuscript, a portion of an intentional manuscript, or a full draft of a manuscript.

“Working with Betsy Warland in VMI 2012 has been a landmark experience in my development as a writer. I came in with a shoebox of poems and I am leaving with the confidence that I now have a book.”

—Judith Heron

For all details and to read about recent successes and testimonials of VMI writers, go to:

2014 Mentors are: Claudia Casper, Cathleen With, Aislinn Hunter and Betsy Warland.

For Application Guidelines contact Betsy Warland.

Application Deadline: November 4th, 2013.

VMI 2012

Work With Betsy


Long Manuscript Consult

Short Manuscript Consult


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